Green Spotted Puffer


Anyone here ever get a green Spotted Puffer to live in saltwater? Their brakishwater and have herd they can. And, if so, I am looking to set up my 55 gallon saltwater tank.. What would me a good mix of these fish, and how many of each?
Snowflake Eel
Green Spotted Puffer
Porcupine Puffer
Helmet Cowfish (camel)
Huma Huma triggerfish
Which ones?
Fluval 404 cn filter
Prizm Skimmer
2 air bublers
1 or 2 powerheads
some live rock
Do I need a light???


I had 2 that lived in my saltwater tank. They did very well just make the acclimation period long. the long you acclimate them the less of a shock it will be. They did very well with my snowflake eel. I had them for a good amount of time. My eel died and then I decided to go to reef and sold them back to the fish store. They had 2x in sized and were over 3.5" long. The fish store guy had never seen them that big and gave me more then I payed for them


Cool.... When you sold them back, did you sell them as saltwater fish? And how big was your tank? I am going to set up my 55 gallon tank and I should accomidate the puffers after I set the tank up... What did you feed them? Ghost shrimp? Would they be ok if I had live rock? What should I start the saltwater ammount at? Sorry for throughing the questions on you.....


Acclimate them as you would any fish in a seperate container. Slowly add water from your tank into the container. THis process ussaully takes 20-30minutes. But since you are going from brakish to full salt you want to slow it down even more taking up to a couple of hours. I have heard of people doing it and they said it took them a week to get it full acclimated. But the 4 hours I took worked for me.
Feeding them is easy they will eat anything and everything meaty. They love krill and brine. My started to attack the snails in my tank, since I knew they would make short of my future shrimps they had to go.
That brings us to how I sold them, they were taken as saltwater. They sold within days, to a guy I knew.
If you havent set the tank up yet you will have to wait till it cycles before you can add these fish. If you dont know what cyling is then that is a whole nother question.
Let me know how helpfull I was and any more questions you have


I had alot of live rock and they never bothered it. Their only tank mate was a sleeper goby, they never even acknowledged him


Active Member
i have a coulpe of figure 8 puffers- love em- you need to feed some small snail often to keep their teeth(boney plate) filed down-


Active Member
brackish- but i could put it in SW if i wanted to- i know a few people who have them in 1.021 SW for about 2years now and they are looking good
i have had one in my saltwater tank about a month now. i feed him clams(open shell and stick in) what puff,kurt(the clown) and fast(6 line wrasel) don't eat,the star fish does.WHEN THEY FINISH,I TAKE THE SHELL out and clean it and put in back in for a few days. the puffer nips on it. i also feed him a regular mix of fish food. he seems happy, altho he killed one of my feather dusters..(little brat!!!)


I have heard the problem with puffers is if when they die they can wipe out the whole tank. Is this true?


Originally Posted by kuja http:///forum/thread/46056/green-spotted-puffer#post_3380345
I have heard the problem with puffers is if when they die they can wipe out the whole tank. Is this true?
I think you're confusing puffers with Ostraciidae (boxfishes, trunkfishes, and cowfishes), but even then, I've never actually heard of one nuking someone's tank. I've had puffers of a couple of different genera die in the past, one was even killed by a SFE, so it was indeed "agitated/stressed", the only thing that happened was I had dead puffers.


New Member
This is a wonderful website to try:
I also have a GSP and their is a ton of information on them under brackish water fish discussions.
Mine has been in full marine for a few months, they say as soon as they are adult size it is ok. He has been doing wonderfully and his colors have gotten brighter!
I tried a Lunar Wrasse as a tank mate, the wrasse ended up picking on him. You really have to watch with tank mates its either the GSP picks on them of the other way around.
I now have a Mandarin Goby with him and they get along great, they even curl up on the bottom at night and sleep next to each other.