Green Star Polyp help needed.


Just received my first order of corals from SWF. Had one hole in a bag(Green Eyed Zoos), but they're already open. Must have been a jagged piece of rock. Also ordered some of the ricordea, they're looking nice, and I hit pay dirt on the frilly mushrooms. They came on a excellent piece of rock, and I received twice as many as I purchased.
Question is, my green star polyps rock was broken into three pieces. Basically ripped the polyps into 3 pieces With one chunk holding most of the polyp. The rock these were on was pathetic at best. Does this thing stand a chance at making it? The purple matting is about 80% intact, where the other two pieces make up 10% chunks of the complete polyp, little frags if you will.
any help?


Active Member
GSP's are very resilient in my experience with them. I think they still stand a very good chance. Just give them time to acclimate. They spread fast.


appreciate the reply, I'm not real experienced with corals. Upon closer examination, it looks as though the reason it came apart is because part of it was attached to a yellow sponge? Or is this part of the polyp? This is the reason it broke apart, the sponge separated from the rock, breaking this thing in three pieces.


Thanks Kip, feel a little better after reading that, I'm going to yank the sponge, and glue the 80% piece. We'll see what we come up with.
Appreciate all of the replies, like I said a little new at this.