Green star polyp


I purchased some green star polyps this weekend from my lfs. I have NEVER had a problem with anything I pruchased there. The polyps were wide open when I bought them on Saturday but after acclimating them they have yet to open in my thank. I have them in moderate to high water flow and my levels seem good. I have no idea what the problem is. I know it is still relatively early but I was curious if there is anything wrong with them or I am just being too impatient. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
It took mine 3 or 4 days to open completely and now there spreading like wildfire lol. Give them time they will open.


Active Member
it seems like anything you buy from the store and add to your tank will take some time to open back up. i've gotten nervous about a few corals, but they always seem to come around after some time. they just need to get acclimated to the new tank conditions.


I'm starting to think this is normal for a lot of corals. I got a colt last week from my LFS and it took 2 whole days to stretch out and look happy! I was worried too, but it came through just fine.


Active Member
The main reason is from new water of course but also alot of LFS's keep there tanks in poor condition. The LFS my parents got me anemone's from had 1 flouro bulb stretched across 3 tanks. And it was only (1) bulb. So light has another play in it sometimes the bright lights we give them just is to mutch right off the bat and they have to acclimate to that as well.


I moved them closer to the lights so we will see what happens! Thanks for all the help I will let you know how it goes!!!


Active Member
Think of it like this.
Jump out of bed tomorrow and catch a flight to the international space station. Chances are it will take you quite a few days to get back to your normal self. lol
Yes I know that’s an extreme and silly comparison but
My point is that although it’s still in a SW aquarium the conditions and atmosphere are still I’m sure much different. It will take them time to get over it and feel comfortable in there new home, not to worry, just like you would soon be space walking with the Russians. If your tank conditions are good they will soon feel right at home and open up

PS: leave them ALONE pick a spot and leave it there.(med) flow good light.
the more you move the longer you wait


Active Member
I agree with leaving them alone. When mine got heat shock (what I call it when my tank sits at upper 90's for a few days) and when I cut them apart it took about a week, if not longer, for them to get back to their normal color and routine... Just wait it out and dont worry. They are very hardy plants...


Active Member
There not plants there corals. Moving them really dont bother them as I move my corals around trying to et them in the right spot still. They close up and then open when im done.