Green star polyps not opening up for about 3 wks?


Active Member
My GSP's aren't opening up fully. Just a few polyps here and there. My parameters are perfect. I thought maybe they were just getting algae and junk covering them, so I cleaned them off with a turkey baster, but no help. One group finally opened up fully recently, but the half that had been hiding had turned quite tan/pale. Should I worry? I've heard that GSP can be fickle, but just wondering if there's something I can do.


Active Member
Make sure that they are in an area with strong light and strong flow. Other than that they can be fickle at times. As long as the purple mat that the polyps extend from doesn't start deteriorating then you should be fine.


Active Member
and if it does start to deteriorate... then what does that mean? and what can I do? ... doesn't seem to be doing so yet - but if it does?


Active Member
Like Mud said. Strong flow. Some of mine get quite reclusive when the flow is not right on them. They can adjust though. Maybe try some direct flow for a while.


Mine didn't open for over two weeks. As long as it doesn't start falling apart, which meens it is dead, it should be allright


Active Member
from the pic, it looks fine and clean. since u hv a few that opened up, the rest should follow slowly.


Active Member
In the last year or so, my GSP have done this at least twice as I remember. I too ask this question back the first time they did it. One time they stays closed well over two weeks. I could find nothing amiss. They just "close up shop". Just happens now and then... Warren


Active Member
I'm glad to hear this... I was pretty worried about them. They just look saad, but I'm just hoping they open soon!


I moved mine up in the tank for more light and placed a power head blowing across him. Man what a difference. He is growing like wildfire.


Have they been in this same place and opened up fine before? How long have you had them? I received a rock earlier this year and the water was cold in the bag. I thought I lost the entire rock. Pieces just kept falling off. Then they just started to grow back. The rock has always been in the same spot. Up high in the tank in front of a powerhead.


Have you noticed any fish nipping at them? I had a sailfin a few years ago that decided he liked the taste of them. The yellow tangs saw this and tried it for themselves. They wouldn't open much after that. You might grow algae on the rock that the GSP is on and the tangs may nip at the algae and by doing so irritate the GSP. If you don't have any tangs, what about rabbitfish? Maybe even dwarf angelfish...
Aside from water parameters, location in the tank, water flow etc etc, having them getting picked on is the only thing I can think of.
My .02


I bought a GSP from my LFS a week ago and when I picked it out it looked like it was fully bloomed, now a week later only one or two is coming out. I called him today and he said to touch the ones that are not coming out gently with your fingers or put iodine on them. What do you guys think about that? Doesn't sound right to me.


yeah that doesnt make much sense at all.....usually when you touch them, that makes them close, so I don't see why you would try to touch an already closed one to get it to open = sounds like some BS advice to me, but I'm probably wrong lol