Green Star Polyps


I recently got a Green Star polyp, Maybe a week or 2 at max. Was curious how can you tell if they are stil alive, I haven't seen a polyp out in a while


Active Member
Well, that doesn't sound real good. What type and how much lighting do you have? Where is the coral located in the tank? How are your water perameters?


Try moving it to another part of the tank. I let mine sit too long closed, when I finally moved it all the polyps were mush. I still have the rock though.

nm reef

Active Member
Mine have gone thru periods where few if any polyps are open or extended......then it'll be fully open for a while....kind of was a struggle until I moved 'em to a spot they apparently like they are mid-level sort of under a over-hang.........moderate current.......under 260 watts pc/220 watts vho(blue).........not spreading or anything but obviously happy and getting with yours


Doesn't sound to good then, I have about 80W of lighting on em, the atenic and normal. they are located just below the return so they get a pretty good current flow. and they are halfway up the mount of liferock, so the lighting is a little stronger. :( oh well I bought a little piece as a test, the Little piece that I do know is stil alive looks almost like a tiny feather duster just kinda clearish white in color. I've tried them in 3 or 4 locations, higher up close to the lights farther down kinda under a ledge so it wasnt as much light... near the return ... away..... and the other little life growin doesnt seem to matter he spreads out nicely, but no green polyps. a few spots of the purple look like they are turning to a light orangeish brown


I'd have to agree that the main culprit is lack of lighting. Try mushrooms - they are more tolerant of low light conditions.