Green Star Polyps


Just Picked Some Up From The Lfs And Have Thme Temp Aclimating Now And Was Wondering If Adrip Needed For Acclimation.
Thanks In Advance


No, drip acclimation is not required, just temp acclimate, then add some water about every 15 min for about an hour (if you like) then add to aquarium.


Active Member
If by temp acclimating you mean floating the bag, that actually hurts them if you have your lights on... it's like boiling rice in a bag!
If you drip them they will open faster. I do about 2 hours for all my corals. As long as your house isn't really cold just the drip is usually enough to temp acclimate them. If you feel like you still want to temp acclimate them.. do it after you drip and just for a few minutes with the lights OFF.


Good point but temp acclimating doesn't really take that long, and yes good point about lights being off, that works for fish as well. I tend to forget about everyone elses tank setups are different. I usually do accimating in my fuge which is lights off when the main is on.


i always turnmy lights off when i'm introducing something to my tank. i let them sit in the bag for about 10 min then i add about a half cup of tank water to it every 10min there after for a total of about 1 hour.


Try to place it near back of tank or side--it spreads like wildfire. Mine is growing up backside of tank. For kicks just scraped some off and put it on skeleton of dead plate coral to see what happens. Anyone who wants to trade some LR w/GSP in NYC get in touch w/me--i have tons!