Green "stuff" on live rock...


Just wondering if you want the green "stuff" that is on live rock to be there?
I assume it is algae?
Would it be better to scrub the green "stuff" off so more purple can grow?


Active Member
algea ...snails....common
pics help ... common source with green algea is too much lighting or the tank is near a window. I had regular tank lights and had a breakout of the stuff until i upgraded lights , figured out a better lighting schedule, upgraded my cleaning crew.
green algeas love phosphates


Active Member
Excess nutrient, phosphates, lighting, etc. All contribute to algae issues. You find the source of the problem and eliminate them all together, then you'll rid the algae issue. Green Algae is a common problem with new tanks as well. Give it some time for the tank to adjust and they'll go away on their own. :happyfish


New Member
I'd say prob too much lighting as well. I had a lot of green agae on my LR. I backed the lights off and now I have none on the LR. Always have green powdery alage on the glass if i dont use the magnet every other day.
U might want to try getting a blennie too...they eat the algae off the rocks.