green tint


New Member
I seem to have a problem with a green tint to my tank. You cannot really see it when the blue actinics are on, but I've seen other tanks that don;t seem to have this color
It's a 55 gallon with a PC(160 watt I believe). I have about 15 turbos, 10 bumbke bees, and 15 or so hermits. Any suggections?


New Member
could be a diatom bloom. i had the same problem once, the only way i got rid of the green water was to install an UV. A uv will kill all types of algae that passes though it which will render you very high clarity.


New Member
I would not recomend the water change as this could cause a surge of nutients diatoms need to reproduce. This will cause water that is so green and cloudy that you will not be able to find your fish! On a positive note ,If it is a bloom (green water), your fish are in no danger.


Active Member
I used to have that problem until I put in a protein skimmer. The water is clear now! :happyfish


Active Member
A skimmer, fresh activated carbon, and/or a water change should work. Water changes would remove nutrients, not add them.