Green Water - help!


This is actually for a friend, she has a 30G, tank established for several years that was moved. using the same rock and water at her new location. her livestock was killed about a year ago when lightning hit her house and fried her tank. she only has live rock and an urchin. she states after moving her tank the water is now cloudy green, when it has been clear before the move.
I have asked for levels but I have none to report yet. she has an over the back filter only, is keeping her lights off.
any suggestions/advice?

tank a holic

Active Member
I'd say she stirred up settled solids and detris, depending on what happened to the fish there may have been die off on the live rock as well which has also been stirred up
I'd put new carbon in the filter and do a 50%wc


I told her about the carbon pads you cut and or carbon filter bags. I will let her know thanks. How long until improvements can be seen?


her levels wont show correctly anyway the algea bloom is consuming all the trates and phosphates that caused the problem. is she running a protien skimmer? that will help remove some of it and like others stated run some carbon.also keep the lights off for a couple of days.and have her do acouple water changes i dont think i would go 50% at one time but do 2 or 3 water changes over the next several days. this happened to my brothers tank a while back and he saw a big improvement within 24 hours but took acouple days for it to fully dissapear.


I agree with the poster above do a few smaller water changes over a few days maybe 20%. You would want to get some carbon in there as soon as possible.