Green Water... I need help


I have green water... According to another site I was reading that is a free float algae and the only way to get rid of it intense lighting...
The problem is, I cant..
My splash lense is ruined in my 24 gallon nano, I bought the aquarium used several months ago and it hasnt been a problem until now. the splash lens has cloudy up and I can not find a single place that has it in stock, I have been checking since I bought it. The lens has just gotten worse and worse, which is why I am assuming my water turned green.
Should I remove the lens? I just dont know what to do and I dont want my fish to die. Maybe I could buy a piece of plexi glass and just set it on top and close my aquarium?


Active Member
Algae feeds from LIGHTING so whoever told you to increase your lighting is dead wrong.. What is your tank set up and perameters? Feeding habits? Tank age? etc.. lets start from there.


My levels are perfect, no ammonia, no nitrates, no nitritate ph is 8.0. salt levels ar 1.023 I have live rock and sand and 2 clown fish, a cleaner shrimp, several snails and crabs, a leather coral, frog spawn coral and one other coral, but the name is escaping me at the moment. I have Current USA 24 Gallon AquaPod. I have 2 of them, the only difference is the lighting in mine vs my husbands. He has a new splash lens and I have one that is completely clouded. I dont know my tank age, I bought it from a lfs, but I have had it almost 6 months. My water turned green about 2 weeks ago. I have been doing water changes but it doesnt help for more than a day or 2. My water is literally green, I take it out and it is green.


Active Member
Are you running a skimmer? Seems like you have a lot of organic pollutants. Check your phosphate levels. A good skimmer in your size tank should take care of a lot of this. Keep up with the water changes. Yes, poor lighting will contribute to this, old bulbs, or cloudy glass covers. If your phosphates are ok, then it could be your bulbs, or in this case a cover lens.