green water


New Member
I just added 90 Lbs Vanisi Live Rock to my 90 Gal tank. I cured the rock in a seperate tank for three weeks. I am running a Berlin Classic protein skimmer,Ammerical Wet/Dry, and two powerheads.Bare glass bottom.
Lighting is 440 w VHO (2Actinics,2Aquasun)
12 hours on/off.
The lower 2/3 of my tank is getting progressively greener.The water looks like it belongs in a swamp.
I did a 20% water change yesterday - no help.
What is the cause, What harm will it do, Should I leave the lights off more?


New Member
some coraline algae, some green, orange, white,pink came on the rock.
There are a lot of white "bugs" crawling on the glass, along with some brown stringy algae.
My LFS said the "bugs" were shrimp.I see a lot of different answers when i do a search.
Any suggestions on correcting this green water asap is greatly appreciated.Nothing like waiting for the rock, and having this type of results.


Active Member
Sometimes green water is caused by a single cell free floating algae. I found this out the hard way one time after I added some live rock. If this is your problem skimmers and carbon will not help. You will need to get your nitrates and phosphates down as close to zero as possiable and reduce lighting as much as possible without harming your inhabitants. If you don't yet have corals or anemones turning the lights off every other day for the hole day for a week should get rid of it and when there on burn them for about 8hrs.HTH


a good skimming will pull the alga from the water. So will carbon. this is what they do and are made and used for.


Go to your LFS and ask if they rent Diatom Filters, It will clear the green water in a matter of hours. Also I would take the advice from the others on removing your phosphates as the filter will clean up your tank but not solve the problem completely.


You night also look into a UV filter. I had a bad algae bloom, got a UV and it went away in a few days.