Green Water


I have a 155 Gallon Aquarium with 2 Emperor 400 Filters 1 Large Whisper Filter on the back of the Aquariumand 1 Magnum 350 under the cabinet plus a Power head and Skimmer on the left side of the Aquarium. The Aquarium has been set up about 6 Months. I was having a problem with Alage growing on everything in the Aquarium so I ordered a bottle of Coralife Marine Clarifier. After adding the Clarifier the water turned green and I had done a water change before adding the clarifier. I have been cleaning the Filters every day hoping I could get the water clear because I didn't want to do a 155 gallon water change. I had a 55 Gallon Salt water Aquarium for several years and never had a problem like this I need some help.


Active Member
try some activated carbon that usually clears up cloudy water but it might make whatever you bought not work