Green wolf eel?


From what i know about the green wolf eel it is a member of the blennie famly wich leads me to believe it can be put into a reef tank True Or false?


Active Member
the genral rule of thumb with preditorial fish is what ever will fit into its mouth may become food.if you feed daily chances of tank mates becomming part of the menue is lessened greatly in my experiences


Actually, it was once thought that they were blennies, but taxonomists now classify them with the dottybacks. They are aggressive like other dottybacks with the apetite of a grouper. They won't attack sessile invertebrates but will make quick snacks of shrimp and anything moving that fits into their mouths. Therefore, any fish kept with it should be bigger than it can swallow. I've never kept one but saw one on my LFS and have to admit that it's a very cool fish. I've also heard that they have been bred in captivity.


i have one. its a female. it lays eggs yhe first of the month. iam looking for a male. no luck yet. mine is in with a anglar and a toad fish. mine eats what ever i put in the tank.