Green X and rapid breathing


New Member
I recently had an outbreak of ich in my 125 FO tank. It was my own fault. I thought I could get away with not quarantining if I only bought fish from the LFS that had been there for a few weeks and were doing well with no signs of disease or parasites. I was wrong. After reading many opinions on this board about treatment, I removed my only inverts (snails and a serpent star) and treated the tank with hypo. My fish are too big to put in one quarantine tank (blueface angel, naso tang and 3 butterflys) I first tried treating only the infected fish in quarantine for a week. All the visible ich died in quarantine but the fish were just reinfected after being reintroduced. My heniochus butterfly was severely infected, so I added GreenX to the tank on top of hypo (I was scared I'd lose her). Both treatments together wiped out the ich fast but with a side effect. All my fish (especially the blueface angel) are breathing rapidly. I'm sure it is the GreenX. I've turned the skimmer back on to remove some of the GreenX and provide more oxygenation and this seems to helping. Has anyone
else seen rapid breathing because of GreenX?


New Member
I didn't intend to start a fight about Green-X. My LFS guy always tries to tell me how great it is. I think it's somewhat effective, but only in mild cases. The Green-X also didn't cause the rapid breathing as I first thought. My fish are infected with velvet too. I am treating them with Copper. I am convinced that hypo is the best solution for ich only. However, I didn't notice they were doubly infected with ich and velvet. My angel has a cloudy film over his eyes. It may be the velvet or a secondary infection. I'm treating the fish with a broad spectrum antibiotic too. I've been dipping the badly infected fish in freshwater for 5 minutes, once a day. It seems to be helping them breathe easier. The moral of the story for me: Quarantine, Quarantine, Quarantine or else you'll be sorry one day. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.