Greens carpet


I have a question about my green carpet! I have notice that my green carpet is slowly losing its green tips in patches. I have not notice any fish nipping at it during the day, but have two false perc that host in him all day and at night sleeps in him too. Any one know if the clowns would eat his tips? And will the greens tips grow back? The carpet looks fine and eats every other day.
Or could another fish be eating him?
55gal tanks
yellow tang
coral beauty angel
two false perc
horse shoe crab
yellow head goby
one blue and yellow damsels
sand star fish


Active Member
What kind of lighting and how many watts do you have?
How long has your tank been setup?
What are your water parameters?


I have had the tank up for about 2 years
There is about 55 pounds of live rock and 50 lbs of live sand
Water temp is 77-78
ph is about 8.3
Nh3/nh4 is zero or yellow
no2 and no3 are zero
Alk is normal to little high
Is 250watt compact coral life 4-65watt 50/50 flor/ blue enough light to have and if not what is a good light system
Green carpet is always open and eats but is missing small section of green tips around him still..Anyone know if they will grow back?? And what fish could be eating it or could it be something else??


I have had it about 3-4 weeks...I notice the clown snuggling its body and mouth in the tipps..


Does anyone know if the tips will grow back on a green carpet if it is not get pick on anymore????


DOes nobody know if a green anemone grow back there tipps after being pick on or loss from lack of light??If picking stopped and got a better light system with MH


Active Member
They should grow back with adequate lighting. They most liekly went away because the anemone was literally eating itself to stay alive. That is why many who keep anemones think their system is adequate because they live for several months when in fact they are slowly dying.