gren brain dying?


hi all i have a green brain it looks like it is bleaching out most of the green color is gone from him this this normal or what thanks for the help


He's to close to your MH lights. Put him back on the sandbed and he will color back up. Certain LPS don't like it to close to the lights.
Originally Posted by harley1965
he was on the sand bed now i moved him about a foot from the lights i am running mh lighting


Do you have a pic? Is all the flesh gone from the skeleton??? It's been my experience that these particulars corals are extremely hardy. I literally brought one back from the dead by feeding it and maintaining pristine water params.
Originally Posted by harley1965
thanks for the help jbird i've moved him back down he isn't looking very good think i am going to lose him


no i don't have a picture don't own a digital camera maybe i can get one and post later today or tommorrow i really apperciate all the time that you are taking to help me jbird


It's not dead, but if you can feed it. It will recover! Mine, had no mouth, nothing to grasp onto the food. I had to make a tupperware top w/ holes and almost wedge the food where his mouth was, at that point in time. It did recover, took about a month. That coral is now one of my best pieces.

Originally Posted by harley1965
yeah pretty much all of the flesh is gone from the top and most of the bottom


I'd get a bag a frozen raw shrimp from your grocery store. Cut up some small pieces of the shrimp, no bigger than the size of a pin head. Try to get the piece near his mouth or in his feeding tentacles. Depending on what you have in the tank, you may have to cover him, during feeding. You may have to wait till after the lights go off to feed. Feed one small piece daily till he recoops. Feed twice a week once he's back to health.