Ground Probe


Active Member
So my friend recently took down his tank and gave me some of his misc equipment, and he gave me a grounding probe which I have never used before and I have no idea how it works. Theres a plug with 2 prongs made of plastic and he other on the bottom is metal. And then there is some green wire coming out of the plug. So how does this all work?


You should have a piece of titanium on the end opposite the plug. That goes in the tank and you plug the other end into the wall outlet. This gives a path to ground for your tank, eliminating stray voltage.


Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
So my friend recently took down his tank and gave me some of his misc equipment, and he gave me a grounding probe which I have never used before and I have no idea how it works. Theres a plug with 2 prongs made of plastic and he other on the bottom is metal. And then there is some green wire coming out of the plug. So how does this all work?
you just put the metal part at the end of the grounding wire, the part with the suction cup in your tank. Just plug the plug end into your outlet or power strip. the green end does not matter if your plugs are already grounded.