Grounding Probe and GFCI


Hi...I'd like to put a grounding probe in my tank...but I've also read that a GFCI is recommendd. What is a GFCI? How much will one cost me and where can I buy one.


well a gfci is a ground-fault-circut-interupt. you can pick one up at any hardware store. it will cost you under 20 dollars. the national code (as of 4 years ago) calls for and recepticle with in 6 ft of water needs to be a gfci. its an easy prodject.
1.turn off you circut breaker.
2. take a screwdriver and remove your old recepticle
3. remove your wires off of the old receticle.
4. always remember black wire=brass screw and white wire=silver screw
5 put the recepticle back in and your done.
told you its easy.
dont worry if you mess it up all it will do is pop the breaker.


there are a number of things you can do if you have alot of plugs. can fins a gfci strip. this will have about 6 outlets on it so you can just plug it in the old outlet.
2. you can replace all the outlets in a 6 foot radius of the tank a gfci circut braker for all the outlets in that room
the third option is very expensive but it will cover you totally. i dont rcomend you do this one if you never have done electical work. its simple but you can really mess up your breaker box if you mess up, or you can get eletricuted. i would recomend an electrition for the third option