grounding probe


Active Member
Sorry for not in depth searching on this topic, I only looked into it vaguely.
I've read around and stumbled upon this idea of a "grounding probe". I have my tank plugged into a plug in GFCI power strip that looks like it's from craftsman (just looks like, it really isn't). Not all of the plugs have the ground, only some of them. Should I be looking into puting one of these into my tank?


Active Member
It's a 30g. I looked and the only 2 grounded plugs are the lights. The powerhead, emperor 400, 100w heater, and rio 2100 are just 2 prongs.
I plan on having a purple firefish, 2 perc clowns, and one or two other small fish. It's a reef tank, but the only inverts are the 4 snails, 4 hermits, a coral banded shrimp, and a small green polyp colony.
Thanks for the help!


Staff member
Those area not grounding probes, those are just electrical equiptment grounds. A grounding proble looks like this and it eliminates stray voltage from your aquarium.


Active Member
thanks, just realized i posted in the wrong forum though, very sorry! meant to post in equipment


Staff member
reducing stray voltage in the aquarium that is generated from electrical equiptment.