

hi. I have a 200g that i am about 6mos. into. i have a grouper, lion, sailfin tang and wrasse. I TRIED to add a jawfish this weekend, but he turned out to be an expensive feeder- because my grouper didn't like him (or liked him too much). I want to add an emporer angel (the whole purpose of the 200g) but now i am afraid he too will go the way of the jawfish. Should i bag the grouper? i am not leaving a 200g with 4 fish! i Also have a 30g with an Undulated trigger, would they get along in a 30g? nobody else seems to get along with the trigger- except my snowflake eel (who would make the move to the big tank). Any suggestions?


how big is the trigger you have in the 30! i seem to recall that that undulated triggers get quite big.
groupes will eat anything they can fit inside their mouths just like lions.
how big are your fish? it is hard to know, because your grouper could be 6 inches or 16. makes a difference on the fish we suggest.


Why would you even think of puting a jawfish in with either the grouper or a lion?If you don't have enough knowledge to know, not to put a little fish like a jawfish with big fish,that can eat it,I would not recommend that you get a Emperor angel until you have enough knowledge to care for it.
[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: dasnake03 ]


the grouper is under 6" and the lion is abou t 6". i know it was a gamble with the jaw fish, but its a big tank and there are lots of hiding places. I discussed it at length with the guy at the lfs (who is familiar with the tank and all the in habitants)and we concluded that it was risky but the size of the tank and landscaping would give him a good chance- so i am not as stupid as i look. i don't see much of a future for the grouper though, i can't imagine he will allow anyone else in the tank w/o a fight. the undulated is about 5". he is in the 30g with my snowflake.


New Member
hey, Do you want to get rid of that grouper?
I'll take it off your hands.