Grouper care: need some advice



hello everyone,
I am new to swf forum and before I start with this thread I would like to give a brief description of my current setup. I have a 29 gallon biocube with a green spotted puffer, small white spotted grouper and 2 medium sized hermit crabs. I am purchasing a larger aquarium because I know the grouper and the puffer will need one soon. I will add some pics as soon as I figure out how to post them... sorry :s
Aside from getting the larger aquarium, what can I do to ensure the survival of my grouper? diet, temp, other tankmates to avoid?
Also any ideas as to what to do with my biocube once the fish are moved to a bigger tank? I was thinking of buying a few chalk basslets and maybe some other cool small fish.
Thanks for all your help and ideas.


Active Member
if you want the grouper to be healthy, it needs at least a 90g tank. We feed our grouper silversides every day and he seems to be healthy and thriving.
As for the 29g, i would get two clowns and a bta. With that you could also add like many differant basslets, wrasses and gobies, some favvorites of mine are a royal gramma, purlple psuedochromis, six line wrass, fairy wrass, yellow watchman goby, firefish goby, banded sleeper goby, and a ton more. I would not go over 5 fish, in my 29g i have two ocellaris clowns, two firefish, and a valentini puffer wich ill have to get rid of because i have coral and crustatieons and when it gets big enough, it will eat many of those.
You could also do something like a species only tank, like a seahorse tank, or a mantis shrimp tank.
Questions i have for you:
How expirienced are you?
What size tank will you be getting for your current fish and what else do you want to add to them?
Do you want a reef or fish only tank for the 29?


Originally Posted by Hunt
just looked at your profile, you didnt mention an eel
I've been running my biocube for a little under a year. not that experienced I guess compared to most others.
as for the other tank I will be getting soon, it is exactly 90 gals. I'm picking it up next weekend.
and the eel unfortunantly died due to a heat spike in the tank... I had a hydor heater that was not working right and would heat the tank up really fast. It really hurt to lose that fish not so much for the money but that was a beautiful animal :(


Originally Posted by Hunt
same thing happend to my heater last week, thankfully, i cought it in time
I'm glad you were able to catch it on time.
I am also doing research on building a plywood aquarium. the lfs showed me their tanks and I know a few people that can help with the build.


new question- How long will it take for a white spotted grouper to reach max length? mine is about 4 inches long maybe another half n inch.