Grouper Eats Trigger


Here are some pics of the aftermath of the strongest will survive mentality. The blue and yellow grouper(Epinephelus Flavocoeruleus) and piccasso trigger have been in the same tank for about a year. The grouper far outgrew the trigger and ate him. The grouper is 18' and the trigger was about 7". Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3


how big is your tank? Try pulling the trigger out, maby he is still breathing- I'm suprised the puffers didn't kill him first


I was at work when all this happened. I told my wife to take some pics. The trigger was locked open, no way to pull it out. The puffers are very non aggressive to their tankmates. The reticulated puffer lets me pet him. The fish are in a 84"x25"x24"- 220 gallon tank. As soon as my room addition is complete they are going into a 500-600 tank.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss, but those are some very interesting and cool pics. Do you know how the grouper got the trigger? Bo
Thats my main reason for not keeping groupers. They are a very cool fish, But they get huge , and they can eat other large fish. sorry for the loss. That would suck !


The grouper spit out the remains of the trigger. The puffers made a quick meal of the trigger before I could scoop the remains out. Here are a couple pics of the grouper back to his old self. He is my favorite even though he has killed about $500.00 in fish over the past couple years. He doesn't mess with the puffers, lionfish or shark. Pic 1
Pic 2


hey triggeraa i think the big boy needs a tank to himself hes eating everything up you said you lost 500.00 in two yrs how big is he now i read they get 36in thats a lot of fish.


I have a minatus grouper about 7inchs and huma huma. I think like urs from the pictures can't really tell (picasso). But i would kill my grouper and eat him if he ate my trigger. I love my huma. Yep the grouper is growing faster than the trigger but not big enough to do what urs did. I pray that doesn't happen to me or because i dont like fish (as a food). lol


If the grouper ever eats one of the puffers, you'll most likely be able to tell by the dead grouper......many to most puffers contain tetradoxin, a deadly poison if injested, with no known antidote.
Many people confuse the terms predatory with aggressive, two entirely different things.
I likewise am sorry for your loss, but if it helps any, most baby panther groupers sold are usually killed by triggers when they are small.
As to miniatus groupers, they supposedly max out at about 16", but they are also one of the more aggressive of the groupers.