grouper needs help


New Member
I have a grouper about 1 year old and he is curled upside down at the top of the aquarium and can't swim down or anywhere. What should I do?


Staff member
When did this start?? What type of tank do you have and water are the water readings? How has the fish been doing before this happned? How long have you had the fish, has he been eating, and what have you been feeding him??


New Member
the fish started with pop eye (i think for about 2 wks). I put him in a hospital tank and treated him w/maracyn for 2 help. When I put him back in the tank he was ok for a day or so, then he couldn't swim to the bottom of the tank. Almost like he has an airbubble in him that won't let him sink. He hasn't eaten since he got pop eye. Water quality is good, and I've had the fish for over a year


Staff member
What was the fish's last meal? Are you feeding live foods?
Can you put him back in QT? What was the water quality in QT? Did you have any other problems with the tank resently, like ich, etc?