

Active Member
yeah my friend bought one when the groupeer was just a juvenile, adn about 5 months later, he had to sell him because he got too big and too agressive for his tank.


looks like you have a 75 gal. good size to start a juv. panther, you will need to get a larger tank they get pretty big, I have a small one in my 125 gal a couple weeks, loves krill so far, and I hear they eat whatever fits in there mouth


i had a panther way back when i first started. he was very agressive. i would have had him for longer but he tried to eat one of my damsels and got it stuck in his mouth......he died :( he was very hardy. mine ate all 3 of my damsels. it was the last one that got him


Active Member
hearty, easy to keep,and grow, but they dont grow slow or stop, I just wish I could afford to eat like one of these guys, a 10 incher in my system would eat one day that cost almost as much as my wedding reception(my wedding was small, but still...... several hundred)