
pappa d

Trying to find a fish to host in a tank im building that will have a dogface pufferfish in it as well. the tank should be aound 5.5' (maybe 6) long, 3' wide, and 2' deep. i was intrested in a specklefin(or whitespotted) grouper. if anyone has or had one of these please leave some information! do they prefer alot of live rock, tank wont be reef, compatability? lighting conditions? any problems with an open tank and these guys? Overall, is this a good hardy fish?? Please send some info this way!!!! ***)
i have a white spot grouper he is cool he is not aggressive towards any of my fish. when i had my niger in the tank he wasn,t to happy becausethe niger would try to take food out of the grouper mouth . the grouper likes to chill with my cat shark he lays next to him all the time .the only thing is at feeding time puffers like to be the boss and so does my grouper , i would say feed them on different sides of the tank .

pappa d

thanks clowntrigger2k!!! Does he like to have alot of hiding spots/do you know if for some reason lighting would be an issue at all??


I have a leaflip grouper and he is sooo funny! He is fat and happy lately.. has cleaned out 5 of 8 damsels (figured he would)... he almost dances from side to side of tank... finally figured out what he was doing. He is IN LOVE with himself. He loves looking at his own reflection in the sides of the tank where it is mirrored. Added some garlic paste to the krill tonight and made everyone in the tank go bonkers. They are soo happy!...back to the grouper though. He likes to hang from side to side where there's plants and rock. Early in the morning around 6am and it is still dusky in the house, he is swimming the full lenth of the tank, that's when I think he is damsel hunting. I LOVE my grouper. Get one for sure! BUT beware not too take too long to take him out of the bag once purchased.. check out my help my grouper is panting thread a couple weeks back.
Peace.. tonia

pappa d

thanks for sharing the story tonia! Im really excited now. Too bad I wont be able to do this for quite some time, until i have my future pond built, but just thinking about it now makes me happy to know what to look forward to! sounds like you have a great fish, good luck with him!