Growing white branches


New Member
Had this pop up on some live rock. It's grown pretty fast, from just a little white nub to stretching out about 1/4 inch from the rock. And it's WHITE, WHITE. Very bright. Can anyone ID?



Active Member
That is quite possible an "arborescent" (tree like) foraminiferan. Basically a filter feeder and nothing to worry about, though they can leave sharp splinters in your hand should you handle the rock.
To know for sure, it would require a clear picture :)

yosemite sam

Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
That is quite possible an "arborescent" (tree like) foraminiferan. Basically a filter feeder and nothing to worry about, though they can leave sharp splinters in your hand should you handle the rock.
To know for sure, it would require a clear picture :)
Yup, that's what it looks like to me, too.