growth speed


can anyone tell me how long it should take befor i see an increase in size for :
gsp , zoanthids , and mushrooms / ricordia


Active Member
all depends on your perameters gsp could have been spreading while still in the bag on the way home mushrooms tend to take a little longer than gsp they usually spread around a larger one than some come loose and settle in other areas zoos usually spread fairly quickly many grow a mat and new polops come up from it while they may spread by budding off new polops that will drop off to a new location


well i'm very anal about my parameters and everything is as good as i can get them . sg 1.024, trates <10, posphate <0.2,amonia 0, cal. 500,ph 8.2
i am just wondering if i'm lucky ,or doing good/bad as far as growth is concerned.
i put gsp in tank about 2mo. ago and have seen 2 small clusters growning on sand. and my mushrooms(2-3 weeks old) are starting to sprout new "buds"(thinking of fraging), but my zoanthid are showing different symptoms. some are 5 mo. old and look great and others are 3 mo. old and i cant tell if there is a difference.
what do you guys think?