Grrrr...BTA wants to be in the dark?


BTA keeps moving to the back(dark) side of my live rock. Ive turned the rock a couple of times, putting him back out front, trying to close the gaps he could get through, bur he still managed to squeeze through to the back, with the maroon clown faithfully following. I'm tired of moving the rocks but I'm worried for both the BTA and the clown.The clown wont even come out when I feed. Will they survive back there?


New Member
How long has the BTA been in the tank? I have 3 that have not moved since I placed them in the tank, and my brother has 3 in one tank and 1 in another tank. The 3 in his 55g travel constantly. The 1 in his 5g hasn't moved since he put it in there. Hope this provides some insight towards the BTA moving around.


We've only had the BTA in there for for 2 weeks today, and the maroon took to it in just a couple of days--he never gets more than a few inches away now.


New Member
Hmm. And the clown doesn't come out to eat now? I have a mated pair of clownfish and they have not taken to any of my anemones, but they eat. A lot.
I was reading up on clownfish, and they are supposedly dependant on thier host anemone to survive, if they have a host. I'm wondering if you should try to feed your anemone, and watch the clown to see if he is eating the scraps from the anemone. This was taken straight from wikipedia, so use your own judgement...
"Symbiosis describes the special relationship between clownfish and sea anemones. It has been suggested that the activity of the clownfish results in greater water circulation around the sea anemone. In addition to providing food for the clownfish, the sea anemone also provides safety due to its poison. The Clown Fish is dependent on the Sea Anemone for its daily bread. After the Anemone paralyzes and eats a fish, the Clown fish will polish off the remaining uneaten bits and pieces. In return, the Clown Fish helps to keep the Anemone free of dead tentacles by eating these. The Clown Fish also helps the Anemone get food by using its bright coloration to lure unsuspecting fish into the vicinity of the Anemone. This symbiotic relationship with the Anemone makes the Clown Fish one of the most curious creatures living in water. """'
Also as a side note, my brother has a couple different varietys of clownfish and the only kind that has taken to the anemones is the Maroon Clown, the one with the yellow bars lined with a black/blue stripe. I have the standard Nemo style clowns, and like I say they will not take to any of the anemones I have.


we also have a long tip with 2 perculas hosting it.It took them 2 weeks to take to it but since they have they never leave it. Honestly, if we'd known how little we'd see our clowns we might not have gone with the anenomes.They used to be all over the tank--swimming against the currents--they're like little anenome junkies now--lol


Cool pic---Our percs are hilarious playing in the LTA--and we have an extremely jealous yellow tang who just hates it that he can't follow them into the anenome. He waits just out of reach of the anenome for the clowns to come out--tries to snuggle up with them--He's such a sociable fish and since we got the nems, he has no one to play with