grumpy grouper


New Member
Have 15yr old spotted grouper. Has been alone for 6yrs, because he kills(beats) everything to death. Was originally housed with a baby bamboo shark and 15 in snowflake eel. Shark & eel outgrew him and tank.
Will he have to live alone forever? He has murdered a lionfish, clown trigger, and other various mistakes on my part. What can live with the grouch?


i have my panter grouper with a yellow tang and a Foxface they all get along really well. i got them around the same time(within a few weeks) all were babys so it might have helped a little bit. but they do great together.


Active Member
There's really nothing you can do about the grouper's aggression. It will likely TRY to kill anything you put in the tank. So IMO the only way you can add anything is for the new fish to be much larger and tougher than the grouper. A large eel, clown trigger, puffer or other tough fish should be able to handle itself as long as you get it BIG. JMO.


An undulated trigger is pretty agressive. But I don't think you want to have a who survives fight going on.


New Member
Grouper is 10 in, will be difficult to get something larger. He is in a 75 gal for now, because I didn't want to waste extra space on a single fish. His tank is pretty boring lately. Just some live rock, different macro.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Well that large of a fish in that small of a tank. I think if you went 180 wide not tall and added some fish his size or close to that size you could way better off. That fish and any fish you put have no where to go. I would either get rid of that grouper and make yourself happy with other fish or go as big as you possibly can and buy bigger fish.

small triggers

Active Member
i think once you get a bigger tank & more rock you should easily be able to add more fish like triggers, puffers & eels. hes killing everything now cuz he doesnt want to share the limited space he has. If we put you in a 10x10 bedroom would you like to have a roommate?? I'm just saying if you want him to be happy and be able to get along with anyone else he needs his own space.


New Member
Crypt is correct, the tank too small and he owns it. Go with 135 or larger.
In oneo f my tanks I have a spotter grouper and have a large wrass (the constant motion keeps them safe) and some Foxface (the trigger somehow knows to leave them alone).


I had a blue spotted grouper a year ago in a 220 gallon tank. The fish was at least 10 inches long and fat he looked like a large mouth bass. He ate about a 1/2 pound of shrimp a day, He would eat entire soft crabs in two bites. He ate a 5 inch picasso trigger. Anything, and I mean anything that fits in his mouth will die. The only thing that lived with him peacefully for a while was a huge lion fish, who I got rid of because he couldnt compete with the grouper during feeding time.
So sorry to burst your bubble but even a bigger tank is not always the answer. If the fish wants to kill he will kill and in my experience groupers love to kill.
If you have to try something get an eel 20+ inches


New Member
Wow that looks just like grumpy. Her name is Annabelle, by the way. Well she is moving to a 140 Wednesday. Think she will still be alone. Maybe I will put some coral and sponges for color. How long do they live anyway? She is 15 now.


what abour a big wrasse, theres a broomtail wrasse at my lfs thats about 9 inches long, they feed him crawdaddys. i bet he could survive with your grouper.