GS Maroon clown how aggressive are they exactly



I heard maroon clowns are the most agressive ones u can get. That is part of the reason why i wanted one besides them being such beautiful fish. I recently got a GS maroon and at the time i already had a Tomato clown that was "slightly" bigger than my GS. He immediately attacked my GS, and my damsels chase my GS as well. Now when i first got my Tomato he fit right in with the damsels as if they were "All" damsels. Now i hear GS's/maroons get much meaner as they get older. Is this the case or are Tomatos just as agressive?

crypt keeper

Active Member
The clown is being bullied by a larger aggressive clown. Normal IMO.
Now when your GSM gets full grown over 6 inches they're arent that many fish that are meaner. If you put an anenome in there it should become even more aggressive. Protecting it. I have heard of GSM being very rough with thier host anenomes and have killed them. If you add one make sure its big enough and durable enough as your gsm will smother it


Active Member
The case is that you simply mixed two different clownfish to a tank. That's a big no-no. Maroon Clownfish have longed been known to be the most aggressive of all clownfish species - as you mentioned above. Yes, as they get more matured, they will rule the tank especially when hosting an anemone. if you read in the boards, you will find that some folks that do have Maroons have experienced them actually biting their hands. Not just Maroons but perculas as well. Alot of it is due to the fact that your hand is invading his territory.


tomatos can be very aggressive also. mine has nipped at my hand a few times if i try to get anywhere near her anemone. they also recently killed a goby within 3 hrs of placing into my tank.


Active Member
A large maroon killed a Purple Tang that was in my LFS's tank. The clown was dragging the dead fish around like a rag doll.


Mine would draw blood and even jumped out of the tank several times trying to get me. Mine was just crazy mean. All that said they have wonderfully fiiesty personalities that are endearing. They are the most difficult to pair, mine ended badly so I finally had to sell her. I would not keep a maroon and tomatoe together, if you really want 2, I'd go with another maroon. You have a much better chance for long range survival of both. Clownfish are related to damsels, domino damsels will even host anemones when they are juvinelles.