GSM and frogspawn


Well I have noticed lately my GSM hanging around my frogspawn. Today I watched him stare at it then kind of pick at it. I hope this is a start of a relationship!!!!!!! If it is, it has taken him a month to start to hang around it. They are both small so hopefully they will have a long time together!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Harris28
Well I have noticed lately my GSM hanging around my frogspawn. Today I watched him stare at it then kind of pick at it. I hope this is a start of a relationship!!!!!!! If it is, it has taken him a month to start to hang around it. They are both small so hopefully they will have a long time together!!!!!!!
Sorry to rain on your parade, but their relationship will be short term as he will kill the frogspawn, I have posted 100's of times hammers, frogspawn, torches, lt plates are not hosts.


my friend has a pair of fulse percs that host a torch the torch is fine but maroons are very "into" beating on their host =) the percs get into the torch but are much more gentle then maroons, im afrade tangwhispr is correct the frogspawn will die over time