GSM attack


I have had a GSM for about 2 years he is my original fish and has had several different tank mates. He has never really bothered any fish in the tank unless it was new and he would just chase them away from his anenome but that is all. Well i bought a potters angel about 2 months ago and my GSM did not like him to much harassed him for a while but things seemed to calm down after a few days.
Well today is a different story the GSM is going out of his way to look for and chase the potters angel Im thinking the way its going that the angel will not last long. ANyone have any answers for why he would be so mad today.
I have a 72gl bowfront GSM, Purple Tang, Copperband, sixline wrasse, potters angel, Zebra dwarf.
Just added the Dwarf lion the other day.
THe clown ignores all the other fish.


Active Member
My guess would be that it's because your tank is very heavily stocked. Crowding fish only increases territoriality, and maroon clowns are about the most territorial fish out there.
I'd watch for fin damage or the fish being reluctant to come out, even to feed. If that starts happening it's time to remove it.


Active Member
The reality is that the maroon clown is just downright aggressive, and will frequently attack just about anything, including people (from experience)...even in bigger tanks.
The potters probably looks relatively similar as well, compared to the other fish you list. I would say you are time you will lose that angel (which would be a pity). I would look for a new home for him. :(

mandarin w

If you can find a new home for the potters I would. Potters Angles for the record have a history of just not doing well in aquariums. Most just can't make the transition. And to have a clown that is actively seeking him out and attacking him is just going to make matters worse. Right now the Potters chances of making it are not good.


I have a firend that could maybe take him. He is a very active fish and eats good he was looking like he had a bright future. Sometimes the GSM will swim away from his anenome (which is rare) to the other side of the tank and let the angel swim by his anenome and then he hurries up and swims at the angel chasing him away from the anenome.
Do you think scince i added the dwarf lion that it has changed something in the tank because he wasnt doing any of this chasing stuff before then. I thought everything was fine. The lion is smaller than the clown and has been hiding pretty much all day today not even close to the clown.


I got the potters from Marine Solutions, I usually use Aquatic Treasures scince its so close but sometimes on the weekends i will do the "world tour" of the St. Louis area.
Update on the potters is he is still kickin, the lights wont really come on for a few hours yet so hopefully yesterday was just a day where the GSM woke up on the wrong side of the anenome.