GSP and colts. . .


These are my first two corals, generous frag donations by a local reefer whom I just met a few days ago :)
I was just wondering how long the GSP usually take before they are fully used to their new surroundings to come out. . . A few days? weeks? or a couple hours?
Also, what would signs of a deteriorating colt be? Im just wondering so I can watch out for potential problems...
Drew :)


My colt likes the current very very light and in medium light. He has more then doubled in size . I have had him for 4 weeks. It took him about a couple of days to come out all the way.


My GSP's came out about 10 hours after I put them in the tank. They are about mid tank and in moderate to high current and very happy. I am planning on a colt, but have not found one that looks good enough to buy yet. Your very fortunate to have had someone give you the frags! Good luck!
I got a colt and for the first 2 weeks I was ready to pitch it, it got very small and looked glazed over, then one day it just flourished. You just have to experiment in your tank and see where the best current is for it. Now I have 2 colts and they both have tripled in size! They are wonderful to watch. At my site you can see in the full tank pics how small it was now it is approximately 8 inches side to side.
Good luck!
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