GSP bad??


Active Member
Okay, having a bit of trouble here and need to know what to do. I have read that GSP can be a pain in the neck when added to your tank. Many people regret ever putting them into their system.
I have a nice array of them, I also have a yellow polyp that I just glued a few days ago onto this same rock where there is no GSP yet. It has been open since being glued but now after the GSP is touching it, it will not open.
Do GSP sting yellow polyps??
Also, it is every so slightly touching some buttons of mine and they to will not open.
If this is not a good thing to have in a tank I sure would love to know so I can deal with it.
They are pretty in color wavy about but I really want my other things to open up.
And lastly, which would you have over the other in your tank??
Green Star Polyps or Yellow Polyps??


they can be a nuisance because they spread fairly quickly. but there great for fraging and selling back to ur LFS wont make much but its something. i dont have mine near any other corals so cant help you with that


i have never had any problems with my gsp bothering other corals and it grows right up beside a lot of diff things in my tank


Active Member
gsp doesnt has any sting in them. gsp will outgrow and smother whatever corals is next it though over time.


Active Member
Thank you for the replies......

Good to know as I do really like them, will have to keep them in check though.