

Originally Posted by kingfish8302
Thats great!!! I know all the other but what is GSP mean
? The next tank upgrade will have the best systems on it.

Green Star Polyps they are very aggressive fast growers that love flow and light. they will overgrow anything in its path almost. they are also probably the easiest to frag, cuz they can peel off rock like dead skin. You can also use a sharp knfef to cut them away, but it is not necessary.


No prob. I have a rock about the size of a baseball which has 50+ polyps of GSP and a currently splitting cabbage coral on it. I got them with about 5 polyps of GSP and a cabbage frag the size of a quarter. That was over six months ago. They are totally compatible, love the same environment, adn am willing to part with it as I am in need of more real estate. PM me or email me at There are a couple crappy pics in the live selling and trading threads. Maybe have a look.