Guess what.... . . .


Another Ich question.

Note - air bubbles are on its dorsal (top front fin)
Flash made the spots look as if they are white. They are dark to human eye with lighter color in the center
also has white feces
around the gills the skin appears to be redish
Ich OR Bacterial?


Active Member
Either way you need to quarantee that animal and get it away from all of your other ones. I'm thinking Ick.


The tank was setup for about a week. The ammonia level was zero. slighty high (.5 on scale) nitrites - nitrates. I was using Rid-Ich for a while and didn't seem to have an effect on the fish. I ended up buying Mardel's product and the fish has shown significant health gain along with appitite and coloring. So if you ever have a problem, get Mardel's powder medicines. At least with this scenario.


Active Member
Ya you shouldn't have fish in there at this point in your tank's life. You should cycle the tank first, THEN introduce fish. Spanko is right, it could be ammonia posioning.


It was not the ammonia. I had a fish that came in dead with gill disease (red ***/gills hanging out). Some how the bacteria from that fish got into the tank and slowly but surely effected the small clownfish. (I had a sgt. major about the size of a few mm's and did fine). I just needed to find the right Medicines. But all is well, and the fish are ok. They will be in QT for a week or so.

Any idea on how long gill disease will last?