guilty gift



guys i need youre help i got a brown banded bamboo shark egg from a friend because he lost hope aand was going to throw it away i had hope and now im in big trouble because it just hatched its in my 20 t i dont know what to do with i wwant the little guy to survive how do i feed it.


Active Member
Try live Ghost Shrimp, from the LFS. Hopefully, you're one of the lucky ones and it does eat, since roughly 50% of them starve.
Also try tiny bits (mouth sized pieces) of krill and squid.
If you don't have the proper setup for it (300 gal+), then take it into a LFS and ask for store credit, for it.
You should try finding others in your area that might be interested in your shark. As said before, a LFS might take it, although please be sure they have the proper sized aquarium to take good care of the animal untill it is sold.