guilty present



guys i need youre help i got a brown banded bamboo shark egg from a friend because he lost hope aand was going to throw it away i had hope and now im in big trouble because it just hatched
its in my 20 t i dont know what to do with i wwant the little guy to survive how do i feed it. :notsure: :help:


They eat shrimp and crustaceans. Many sites sell live saltwater feeder shrimp, so you might try those. If the shark hasn't completely absorbed its yolk sack it probably won't start feeding until it does. I'm not sure if those sharks are hatched before or after completely absorbing it.
They do get to be rather large and bland as adults. I believe typically upwards of 3 feet and all of their juvenile colors fade to grey. It will quickly outgrow your 20g. If you don't have an appropriately huge tank available a local zoo might take it.