Guinea fowl puffer


New Member
I got a guinea fowl in the grey color phase a little over a week ago and every since yesterday he has been changing colors from mediun=m grey to dark black.I did my research on them and read that they dont change color in captivity and wanted to know if he was goin thru stress or is it nothing to worry about.My water is fine and he seems like hes happy.If anyone is familiar with these guys let me know.Thanks in advance



Active Member
could be stress... but they can also still change in captivity, but I think it takes a little time..
just wondering, how big is your tank?


Active Member
Nothing wrong at all. He's become happy and is enjoying the tank.
The darker black color is more of the typical color. Do a google image search of "Guinea Fowl Puffer" to reconfirm that.


It is normal for them to change colors from black to light gray when they get stressed. Mine changes regularly but only for a temporary amount of time. The only time he remained pale was when he had ich. I would only be alarmed if he remains pale for a long period of time. How long have you had him? Here's a pic of mine inflated.Attachment 201383


New Member
I have had him a little over a week,i asked my lfs to get me one that was grey/blueish.They got him for me about a month ago and held him to make sure he didnt have any parasites or nothing.He seems to be very happy swimming normally and eating fine.Ive been watching him very closely and the only thing is the color changing.I have gotten mixed resposes about that


I wouldn't be too worried, his changing colors are just him expressing his mood. I would only be worried if he stays pale for a long period of time.


Its very common. My Guinea normally does it when my Heniochus Butterfly pecks at his dots! Does yours do the tail tuck?


New Member
he rarely has his tale tucked(mostly only when he is stationary)dont no one bother this guy.He is the aggresor if anything.I currently have him housed with a whitetail trigger(2")a crosshatch trigger(41/2")and im looking for a small 2-3" queen trigger


Active Member
Puffers change shades when hungry, grumpy ect. But dude, you tank is going to be too small once these fish get a little bigger. Between the 3 triggers and the puffer.


New Member
Yeah i know but im in the process of getting a 75 bow for corals and a 250,both of these tanks should be up by the end of the year.I think i have plenty of time before they need to be moved