Gymnastic Snails !!!!!!


My Regular Turbo Snails Dont Seem To Turn Them Selves Right Side Up When They Fall Off The Glass Then They Die
Do Mexican Turbos Turn Them Selves Up Right Or Are There Any Other Snails That Do ???


snails shouldn't fall unless something is wrong. what is your specific gravity?


Active Member
my astrea snails get knocked off by me doing maintenence and I have even seen my tang knock them off once trying to eat algae right up by their body (dont know if it just got spooked). Doesn't happen much though because I've had the same two astrea snails for over a yr. Cerith can turn themselves over usually. Nassarius snails can easily turn themselves over. Consequently Nassarius and cerith are the only two I keep (exept the two astrea that carried over from my 30g).
Not being able to right themselves becomes very annoying when they are in the fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
snails shouldn't fall unless something is wrong. what is your specific gravity?

They fall when I remove them to clean the glass .


Active Member
i dont see how this makes sense to anyone.... snails die when on there backs? if this were true then there surely would be very few in the wild. I had a 7 inch conch that could flip itself back over if it fell off the rocks and landed on its back. These snails that die when on their back must surely be sick or something. no animal is going to grow in such a way that it will die if put in that kind of "comprimising" situation. snails have an amazing ability to reach far outside of thier shells with thier foot. They can extend it much farther than needed to right itself. I have never had a snail die due to being on its back, i have kept all types, nassurius, cerith, turbos (both types) conchs, etc. never had a problem.


Active Member
this may be an interesting experiment to try out
anyone want to join in
i currently only house nass snails so would need some other tanks with other types to help out


Originally Posted by NEreef
snails shouldn't fall unless something is wrong. what is your specific gravity?
specific gravity is 1.024, the reson the snails fall is when they go all the way to the top of the tank and then they fall.


Active Member
as stupid as smails are..they do die when flipped over unless they have something close to grab....but i imagine they reproduce enough to make up for it...nassarius have that super long foot to flip themselves over, or the conch has help as well...the snails in our tanks here at work, if we do not flip them over when first bought, most of the time unless something is close you will see an empty shell in time


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
i dont see how this makes sense to anyone.... snails die when on there backs? if this were true then there surely would be very few in the wild.
a glass tank is very different from the wild. astrea snails dwell in sandy sea grass areas and probably rarely ever fall on thier backs. You can take a perfectly healthy astrea snail from anybody's tank and if you knock it over and it doesn't fall foot first it will not be able to flip over. Like I said I've had mine for well over a year and they have fell numerous times. I agree they dont fall for no reason but they do get knocked off and/or caught off guard.