H E L P with 12 gallon eclipse, ne seen it


Active Member
has ne one seen thet 12 gallon eclipse instant ocean from ***** like the one below?
could someone help me with:
i dont have ne clue about sw tanks so how do you start such a tank like tht? how do you find/build the corals and reef? if it is the tank im thinkin of did you change ne thin? (for you who have one that is or have a suggestion
any feedback would be awesome.
thanx in acvance
YellowGreen]also i have a spare 5 gallon coul i make ANY use of tht as far as sw?
one last question what makes a nano sw tank a nano sw tank? can someone plz answer at least this for me? loyes you can say "wow that guy does not know anything " lol
:happyfish :happyfish


I can answer a couple...

It's kind of confusing to digest with all of the different colors but anyway,
you can find corals at a local fish store and if you don't have a store around you that sells them, you can buy them online. They even sell them here at saltwaterfish.com .
A "nano" aquarium is a "small" aquarium. Some people say that a SW nano can be anything under 30-40 gallons, others say it's anything under 15-20 (etc...).
Nano=small...how small? I guess you can say that it's in the eye of the beholder.

Hope I helped a little.


Active Member
I guess ill answer the others. I wouldnt make that tank into a reef because the lighting isnt that good. I would just put lots of live rock (about 1.5 per gallon) and maybe 2 very small fish. I would also take out the bio-wheel because its a nitrate factory. Then add another powerhead because the circulation isnt that good. Before you add your fish, read a thread/book about cycling. Be sure to use RO/DI, not tap water (dont use that water conditioner that it comes with). The reason i asked if you got the tank yet, is because i would recomend just getting something else. Like a nanocube. Those come with good lighting and a better filtration system. And as for the 5 gallon, you could turn that into a mini reef, if it has enough lighting on it. But no fish. Maybe a sexy shrimp and some hermets.


if you do a reeeef you should go with a 24gal tank... like a jbj24 gal .. with mh lighting... mh lighting is the best of the best


Active Member
i have tried looking for a nanpocube but none of my lfs have nano cubes i havent really checked them that good ut they only have big ones that are over 40 gallons. if the biowheel was taken out then what would i use?


Active Member
Just use live rock as your filtration. If you have enough of it, you dont need the bio-wheel. In my cube, i took out the ceramic rings and the bio-balls, and added LR rubble in the back. Did you buy the tank already? you should order the tank online, it will be worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Just use live rock as your filtration. If you have enough of it, you dont need the bio-wheel. In my cube, i took out the ceramic rings and the bio-balls, and added LR rubble in the back. Did you buy the tank already? you should order the tank online, it will be worth it.

if you use live rock then you dont need to run any kind of filter how will the fish breathe ? also what is lr rubble


Active Member
you said that if you have enough live rock then you dont ned a filter at alll? how will the fish breathe/live? also what is lr rubble?


Active Member
Well if you have that eclipse, the blue filter that has the carbon in it is enough filtration. The bio-wheel is used to host bacteria that convert amonia and nitrite into nitrate (which is good, if you dont have any LR. But in your case, the bacteria will be on the live rock (if you have enough). The fish dont breath off the filter they breath water. Nitrate is end product of nitrite and amonia, and you do water changes to get rid of the nitrate. LR rubble is just broken up live rock that i put in the back of my tank where the filter is. Also make sure to add another power head b.c the eclipse doesnt give off good water flow



My 12 Gal. Eclipse is doing fine. You will need to buy a powerhead cause there is not enough flow. But other than that everythings good. I even use the Bio-wheel.
The tank was also given to me, and is going to be replaced by something much bigger when I finish school.


Active Member
Nice, tank. Ive read a lot of threads saying that they just add to nitrates, but if it doesnt.... good job


DeMartini Nice, tank. Ive read a lot of threads saying that they just add to nitrates, but if it doesnt.... good job
Thank you, I have seen your tank and it's awsome. How old is it??
I just started this tank a few months ago. I guess to se how hard it really is.
Cant wait to start a big tank.


DeMartini--Also how does that shrimp you have do?? I have thought about getting one but was concerned about the space.


Active Member
really good. He doesnt go in the bcal much. He likes to stay in the frot and pick off of everything. i dont have a lot of space in my tank but he does just find...plus he is really cool.