Haddoni carpet / Bubble tip Q's


New Member
Hi I received a H carpet anemone from SWF and it just wouldn't attach to anything. It was beautiful green but would only drift in the current and lie on the sand. Sadly it didn't make it. Why? My water is pristine I have 75 gallons under 2 Venture 175w 10000k MH and 2 65W duel daylight PC's.
Now I also 1 week later put in a small 3" BTA it attached immedantly and has thrived ever since. Why? Are there anemones that attach instantly by instinct and others that don't?
Perhaps one of the experts here can give us a lesson on anemone owenership. My perticular interest is of the ones best for clowns. All expert information will be greatly appreiciated.


Active Member
im not an expert but some anemones are just much harder to take care of and require experts. i cant tell you what had happened, maybe not enough long acclimation, maybe never had a chance before it got your place, etc. BTAs are generally the easiest to keep.
depending on the anemone, it maybe have needed sand or live rock to attach to, again, i cant tell you about carpet anemones since ive never owned one or read much about them
sorry about your loss though


Active Member
Carpets are hard to take care of as they are IMO the most sensitive to water stability and light . I believe nobody should attempt to keep any carpet unless they have successfully kept BTAs or LTAs for years .


Active Member
Cant say why the Stichodactyla haddoni did not make it...Many are dyed, may have shipped poorly...I agree with above that they are difficult for many to keep and i would place them in a larger tank anyways because they do get huge if they survive....
Maybe it could not find a suitable place...they need deep sand beds....they should be placed in the sand....
Most clowns will except BTAs if there going to host...3 inches is kinda small if the clowns are large...clowns can get rough with anemones...sometimes too rough if the anemone is too small...good luck with it.

rod buehle

I have always thought of S.hadoni as one of the easier anemones to keep (second to a BTA). Yes, maybe a little more difficult to settle in, but once settled are easier. As mentioned, a DSB, and also good flow. Because they are usually larger, they need to purge themselves more often and the strong flow helps them do that.