Hagen 402 HELP

ny reef

Hello everyone I could use a suggestion about the intake on my 402 powerhead it has recently sucked in 2 of my green chromis ..Help should i leave the cone right off of it would this help? :(


Don't you have one of the grate type covers? I have that brand of powerhead and they all came with a grate that went on the bottom of the cone shaped piece.


Since Mine is behind some live rock I put a Bio Ball by the intake,lets it get all the water it needs but pulls from many different directions now with less pressure to pull in small fish :)
I had a perc clown get pulled in too---what a way to die :(


I lost a cardinal and a watermelon wrasse in mine. I took the cones off the way if they do get stuck to it I'll see them sooner.


Active Member
never used the cones, and have not had anything get stuck fast(except the occassional molt form the shrimp), except maybe our algae blenny, the onlyreason i say maybe, is cuz he looked it, but before i turned off hte power, he swam fre, almost like maybe he was resting there in the curretn(we often do see him hanging around the intakes, like maybe he likes it there)


Active Member
Im had two 402's awhile back and did what Katfish did with a bio-ball. Because mine came with no grate???