Hair Algae problem


New Member
My reef is about 6 years old...never had an algae problem before now.
I have removed it twice with a soft toothbrush from the rocks and done 2 60% water changes.
One from the ocean, and one with a salt mix and RO water. I have replaced all 5 filters on my RO filter
but in 3 months the algae is back
I have 20 to 30 snails and just added 25 more blue legs and a lawnmower blenny ( that is not living up to his name). The algea looks to be about 1 1/2 inches long and taking over again
I only use RO water to top off with
Nitrate 10
phosphate 0
ph 8.6
kdh 12 ( i think, never did understand that scale)
cal 480
Actinics 8 hour
250 w MH 6 hours (12,000 K)
Dont know what I am doing different.


Active Member
What test kit are you using to test your phosphates? Are you sure test kits aren't outdated?Is the hair algae isolated to a vetain area or widespread? I would almost want to assume the fuel for the hair algae is leaching from your LR. How old are your bulbs? I recall your on a shortened light cycle?


New Member
isolated to the upper right corner for the most part
Reef master test have put RO water in the sump w/o buffering...not often....i was late for work every now and then. bulbs 6 to 8 months old. My light cycle is off sync with nature. they come on at 2 and run till 10pm.


Active Member
Adding RO/DI without buffeting shouldn't be an issue. I would double check your test results against your new kit. You could remove the rock and scrub them, you could also cook them, or best bet would be a bleach/acid bath. It highly probably it's leaching from the rock itself. How or what is your maintenance regimen? I like to do a little polishing of my rock with a toothbrush and blow the rocks off with a PH. You'd be surprised how much crap gets caught and settles on the LR.


New Member
nothing surprises me after 6 years. I blow off the rocks w/ a power head once month. acid/bleaching
NEVERgo natural or go home. There is something that is different I am missing