Hair Algae - Safe Treatment


New Member
I have a 200 gal reef tank that is getting OVERRAN with hair algae. I have tested my tank water and have had two different stores test it. Everyone says it is OK. My tap water (I'm on a well) is a little high on phosphates. I use one pitcher of RO a day but I do my water changes with the tap water. I have a phosphate remover running in a mag pump to help dose it quicker then just placing it in the sump. I was looking at the "cleaning crew" packages on this web site. Does anyone know if they are safe with corals, cleaner shrimps, and anemone? I know the turbos and hermits are OK. But, I do not know about the sally lightfoots, ermerald crabs or the brittle stars. Any help would be great.


New Member
I had a hair algae problem, and yesterday I picked up 2 Turbo Snails and put them in my 66 gal tank. This morning I checked and they have eaten more than half of all of the green algae. It was amazing!


In a 200 gallon, everyone should do alright, as long as you do not try to run an urban zoo (crowded). They will usually not bother eachother, and with 200 gallons of space, you should be cool. You will be amazed at how fast everyone will eat the alage, it will be like snailtopia!!
good luck.