Hair Algae! What do I do?


New Member
Ok, so my newest 125g tank is about a month old with about 90lbs of live rock... I have a few corals and some fish about 10 sacrlet scrabs and a few snails...... The green hair agae on the substrate is out of control... Any suggestions? It is driving me nuts!


Active Member
My sailfin tang is a monster hair algea eater, but I don' think you should add anymore fish at least for a while.
Try cutting down on your lighting duration.
Nitrates? Low Flow? Phosphates? Lighting? What is causing the algae to be out of control. When you figure that out you can get it under control. Snails will not be too effective with algae in the sand.


it is probably being caused by high phosphates. A phosphate remover such as Phoban should do the trick...