Hair algae


I have a few spots of hair algae on a few large rocks in a reef tank. I have taken care of the phophates, but I still have a few spots left. My question is can I brush the rocks off without taken them out of tank and let the filter take it out of the water? Or will that make it spred to other rocks? Thanks.


Active Member
i used emerald crabs to keep my tank clean from hair. They are supposed to be excellent for reef tanks they dont mess with my inverts at all well except for snails, they ganged up on one the other day, but i think it was dying anyways.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
I have a few spots of hair algae on a few large rocks in a reef tank. I have taken care of the phophates, but I still have a few spots left. My question is can I brush the rocks off without taken them out of tank and let the filter take it out of the water? Or will that make it spred to other rocks? Thanks.

Don't rub the stuff inside the tank you will seed the whole tank with hair algae. Either pluck it if it is long enough, or take the rock out and scrub it in saltwater to preserve the live rocks critters. Emerald crabs will do a real good job of keeping hair algae down if it is in a manageable state. So scrub the rock to give them a head start. Keep an eye out...they don't live very long and you may have to replace them every 6 months to a year, if you use them as part of your CUC for keeping down algae.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
yes emeralds will do. Also consider a turf scrubber installed in the sump area.

The turf scrubber was listed as a myth that doesn't work on another post.