Hair Algae


Active Member
You need to get rid of it because it can take over your rock and (if you have any) corals. Hair algea comes from high nitrates or phosphates. What is your clean up crew like? Some people remove it manually by using a toothbrush (clean of course) and scrubbing it off then catching the peices with a net, I prefer the inverts to do it though.


New Member
I've been through it twice now. I've used reduced lighting, left handed hermits, emeralds, and arrow crabs. Lawnmower blennies work well too. I've all of those and seen great results. I also manually removed for about 5 minutes once a week to help them out.


Any problems with having a lawnmower blenny added to my tank? 50 gal long, 100lbs LR, 3" LS , 1 large yellow-head sleeper goby, 2 scooter blennies, 2 fals percs, 1 royal gramma, 1 serpent star, 1 chocolate chip star, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 pepperment shrimp, various hermits and snails Also, what about an emerald crab?