hair algea eater?


Well-Known Member
I cleaned off my rock, (rinsed in saltwater)so my algae eaters had a head start...My lawnmower Blenny was out matched, so I got him some helpk, a blue spotted Kole tang, and a sally algae is gone, month number 2 and counting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
I cleaned off my rock, (rinsed in saltwater)so my algae eaters had a head start...My lawnmower Blenny was out matched, so I got him some helpk, a blue spotted Kole tang, and a sally algae is gone, month number 2 and counting.

Yeah, but he has a 29 and a 90. Which tank is this in?


Well-Known Member
The tang is in a 90g...good point, a 29g couldn't handle a tang. I hadn't thought of that


can you control the algea by reducing the ammount of nutrients in the tank? water changes etc....


thanks lol.
that was more of a rhetorical question for the OP to think about. i didn't want to get off topic of the thread but i like to think of why there is an algea bloom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
thanks lol.
that was more of a rhetorical question for the OP to think about. i didn't want to get off topic of the thread but i like to think of why there is an algea bloom.
There is still nothing wrong with wanting an animal to feast off of it. The only difference between chaeto and hair algae is that hair algae attaches to the rock and is unappealing. Getting rid of it while fixing your water will make it go away faster.


I had a hair algae issue awhile back that water changes and cleaning was not handling. I bought a Tiger Cowrie. He had the tank clean within a week. From then on it was just him keeping up with it.


well i wasn't trying to deter him from buying something i was just making sure it was a breakout and not going to be a chronic problem. just trying to cover all aspects.
btw the only thing i could ever get to eat hair algea was hermits and from reading other posts seems this is hit or miss.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
well i wasn't trying to deter him from buying something i was just making sure it was a breakout and not going to be a chronic problem. just trying to cover all aspects.
btw the only thing i could ever get to eat hair algea was hermits and from reading other posts seems this is hit or miss.
I realize that. You're knowledgeable. I was just speaking loud and clear for all to hear

You did bring up a good point though


Originally Posted by bs21
well i wasn't trying to deter him from buying something i was just making sure it was a breakout and not going to be a chronic problem. just trying to cover all aspects.
btw the only thing i could ever get to eat hair algea was hermits and from reading other posts seems this is hit or miss.
Hermits barely eat any. I agree that the first thing that should be checked is excess nutrients and water parameters. Hair algae can be a problem even if all else is fine.


my hermits would never touch hair algae.
as already said, i believe several tangs will tear it up. ive also heard mexican turbo snails will mow it down as well.


A Sea Hare Will Destroy The Hair Algae Problem. But Then You Have The Problem Of Him Possibly Starving Because He Eats So Much Algae.


New Member
i have a 75g and about 1/3 of my rock were covered with hair algae. i bought 3 turbo snails and it's nearly all gone 5 days later. a relatively cheap solution


Active Member
its in my 29. Ive been doing water changes every week, thats because the LFS said they have been having trouble with nitrates and they think it is the salt they have been using..
anyways what if I get a sea hare and then take it out?
I had a blue spotted sea hare that went to town on my hair algae then it died a week later. There was still some algae for it to eat. Then in my other tank I got a lawnmower blenny that also devoured the algae but it died a week later as well. Again, there was still more algea for it to eat. Currently I have a tuxedo urchin which is doing a good job but I've only had it a few days. I also added a phosphate reactor so that should help remove some nutrients. It's certainly possible I had some other water quality problem that was causing them to die. Whatever you choose, I hope it works out for you.


I am in the same predicament as you... I have a 20 and so far, I had a tang (before I downsized...) and it would pick at the algae and my hermits won't touch it worth anything. I have had 2 successes though: my Blue Tuxedo Urchin absolutely mows the stuff down and I have a couple of MASSIVE Mexican Turbo snails which seem to be doing a good job at helping as well (only had them a couple days). I think my next purchase will be a Tiger Cowrie... Hope this helps!