hair algee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
i have been trying to get rid of it i rip it out get creatures to eat it cut down on lightting and it just grows back thicker please help its driving me crazy!!!


Active Member
i love the look, although its probably not as bad as your tank, i heard turbo snails, blue/red leg hermits can take of that for you, maybe some crabs, porcelin/emerald... correct me if im wrong,


other than mentioning animals to graze on it for you i dont know too many options, have you performed a search on hair algae, top right hand corner click search and type in hair algae, its a pretty frequent question so you should be able to find alot of info on how to get rid of it


again if you do the search i think you will be surprised at how much info you will find. i just did it right now for you and found that one person cut their lights down to 4 hours a day to get rid of it and found that it could be your phosphates. if you want more info i highly recomend doing a search.


check your nitrates and phosphate levels, If you are feeding frozen meaty foods then these could contain your phosphpates. If you are using tap water then that could be the source. Remember nitrates and phosphates are exactly what we put on out lawns to get them green and growing....its just fertilizer and the algea feeds off of it.